Historical Maps of Florida
Each Map listed is hyperlinked to enable viewing of larger images
1544 Charta cosmographia.
Image to link above - Spain has only been in the region of Florida for 31 years. Note the land profile identified as the northern portion of the Americas
1550 Tabula nouarum insularum. Munster
Image to link above - Spain has been in the region of Florida for 37 years. Note the land profile identified as Florida
1562 Map of the Western Hemisphere Diego Gutierrez
Image to link above - Spain has been in the region of Florida for 49 years. The land profile of North America begins to look familiar compared to the current profile
1584 Peruviae aviferae regionis typus. Ortelius
1584 Peruviae aviferae regionis typus. Ortelius
1625 Florida et regiones vicinae. De Laet
Image to above link. Look for Tegesta. After 1630 and throughout the 18th century, Tegesta (after the Tequesta tribe) was an alternate name of choice for the Florida peninsula following publication of a map by the Dutch cartographer Hessel Gerritsz in 's History of the New World.