Other Sections in the Township
10 - Need to finish research
This section corner has been identified at two different locations, with @ 310’-313’ distance between the 2 corners. The current common corner that is used to identify the NW corner of section 15, would appear to be the north corner of the 310’ call listed on (A) and the 3 acres once identified in the SW ¼ of SW ¼ of sec 10 currently appear to be identified in the NW ¼ of NW1/4 of 15. The measurements of (A) seem to follow similar measurements of current deeds in NWC of sec. 15. Parts of the land identified in (B) is also currently identified by deeds as being in sec. 15. To make the visual simple, the focus here is on the comparison of deeds and measurements in the immediate area of the common corner, and not the multitude of problems that have been found with the ¼ of ¼ sections in Sec. 15 to the east.
Current deeds in Sec. 10 (1-8) are all using the same SW corner location. An angle of n 81 deg 30’34”E is given from the corner @ 341’ for POB or start point for referencing other POB locations on all 5 deeds.
Current deeds in Sec. 15 (9-11) are all using the same NW corner location, which is identified as @ 446’ north of Hwy. 20. This location is close to 310’ further north than the SW corner of Sec. 10 location on the previous deeds mentioned. This is shown when you compare the measurements on the common boundary between (1) and (11), which is 263.08’ & 264’. The angle projected from the SW corner of Sec. 10 (supported by 1-8) brings you up to the north line location of section 15 according to (9-11) Almost all of the deeds mentioned in both sections were sold by the same landowner (8) is the exception, but has been included since it uses the same SW corner location.
There is another interesting difference occurring when you compare the deed measurements on (7) against the measurements shown for the Stone Creek subdivision that is identified on (8) as filed in Plat bk 18 pg 40, and surveyed by Emerald Coast Ass. The measurement on the west line of 10 mentioned in (7) is 848’ and the same line measurement on the ECA survey is 913.95’ It is also unclear whether ECA found existing monumentation for the section corner or placed monumentation, because I was unable to find the reference symbol shown as the corner in the survey legend. There is no mention of any of the adjoining property owners boundaries,(which would point ECA to the SW corner of 10) and there are no signs of existing monumentation being used (which are in place when you read the adjoining property owners current deeds). In fact, it seems that monuments were placed everywhere by ECA.
(A) Deed bk 22 pg 55 1904 Williams to Davis - SW corner of Section 10 310’north, 510’ east illegible (possibly 310’) swly to line, west 395’ About 3 acres
(B) Deed bk 15 pg 453 1903 Monroe to Davis - begin 395’ e of sw c of sec 10 go e to se c of se ¼ to se ¼ in 10 n 695’ w 1953, thence to start point for 36 acres
Section 10
(1) COM SW/C OF SEC 10, N 81 DEG 30'34"E 340.78FT FOR POB, S 44 DEG 36'14"E 263.08FT, N 69 DEG 47'28"E 91.12FT, N 19 DEG 59'43"W 197.16FT, S 81 DEG 31'34"W TO POB OR 643-208 OR 2643-1509
(2) THAT PART OF SW4 OF SEC 10, & NW4 OF SEC 15 AS FOLLOWS: COM @ SW/C OF SEC 10, N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'29" E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05'44"E 84.68FT TO POB; FROM POB N 07 DEG 25'16"W 197.05FT, N 42 DEG 55'22"W 217.59FT, N 48 DEG 03'58"E 377.32FT, S 72 DEG 08'32"E 136.43FT, S 09 DEG 11'48"W 479.10FT, S 66 DEG 05'44"W 221.42FT TO POB *LESS & EXCEPT: PART OF SW4 OF SEC 10 & NW4 OF SEC 15 AS FOLLOWS:COM @ SW/C; N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'29"E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05'44" E 84.68FT, N 07 DEG 25'16"W 197.05FT, N 42 DEG 55'22"W 117.59FT FOR POB; N 42 DEG 55'22"W 100FT, N 48 DEG 03'58"E 377.32FT, S 72 DEG 08'32"E 100FT, S 48 DEG 03'58" W 408FT M OR L TO POB OR 1859-373 OR 2511-1300 OR2768-2020
(3) COM SW/C SEC 10, RUN S 81 DEG 16'58"E 340.82 FT, S 44 DEG 53'08"E 263 FT TO N R/W OF PAVED CO RD, N 65 DEG 12'11"E 311.87 FT TO POB, N 66 DEG 05' 44"E 157.20 FT, N 16 DEG 59' 09"W 235.86 FT, S 73 DEG 11' 44"W 121.15 FT, S 09 DEG 11' 48"E 257.55 FT TO POB OR 805-196 OR 2792-3115
(4) PART OF SW4 OF SEC 10 & NW1/4 OF SEC 15 AS FOLLOWS: COM SW/C OF SEC 10 N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'29"E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05'44"E 84.68FT, N 07 DEG 25'16"W 197.05FT, N 42 DEG 55'22"W 117.59FT FOR A POB CONT N 42 DEG 55'22"W 100FT, N 48 DEG 03'58"E 377.32FT, S 72 DEG 08'32"E 100FT, S 48 DEG 03'58"W 408FT M OR L TO POB OR 1859-375 OR 2622-2611 OR 2628-667 OR 2643-2792 OR 2664-3794
(5) COM AT SW/C SEC 10 RUN N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'39"E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05' 44"E 306.10FT TO POB, CONT N 66 DEG 05'44"E 493.90FT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LYING ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID SECS 10 & 15 THENCE CONT N 81 DEG 30'34"E 126.60FT, N 71 DEG 35'24"W 91.91FT, N 75 DEG 56'37"W 200FT, N 63 DEG 26'22"W 200FT, N 59 DEG 39'17"W 175FT, N 72 DEG 08'32"W 47FT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LYING S OF THE PUBLIC RD LEADING FROM GARRETT'S MILL TO LAFAYTTE'S BRIDGE AS NOW EXISTS, S 09 DEG 11'48"E 479.10FT TO POB *LESS: COM AT THE SW/C SEC 10 RUN S 81 DEG 16'58"E 340.82FT, S 44 DEG 53'08"E 263FT TO N ROW OF A PAVED CO RD, N 65 DEG 12'11"E 311.87FT TO POB, N 66 DEG 05'44"E 157.20FT, N 16 DEG 59'09"W 235.86FT, S 73 DEG 11'44"W 121.15FT, S 09 DEG 11'48"E 257.55FT TO POB OR 790-243
(6) COM AT SW/C SEC 10 RUN N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'39"E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05' 44"E 306.10FT TO POB, CONT N 66 DEG 05'44"E 493.90FT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LYING ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID SECS 10 & 15 THENCE CONT N 81 DEG 30'34"E 126.60FT, N 71 DEG 35'24"W 91.91FT, N 75 DEG 56'37"W 200FT, N 63 DEG 26'22"W 200FT, N 59 DEG 39'17"W 175FT, N 72 DEG 08'32"W 47FT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LYING S OF THE PUBLIC RD LEADING FROM GARRETT'S MILL TO LAFAYTTE'S BRIDGE AS NOW EXISTS, S 09 DEG 11'48"E 479.10FT TO POB *LESS: COM AT THE SW/C SEC 10 RUN S 81 DEG 16'58"E 340.82FT, S 44 DEG 53'08"E 263FT TO N ROW OF A PAVED CO RD, N 65 DEG 12'11"E 311.87FT TO POB, N 66 DEG 05'44"E 157.20FT, N 16 DEG 59'09"W 235.86FT, S 73 DEG 11'44"W 121.15FT, S 09 DEG 11'48"E 257.55FT TO POB OR 790-243
(7) BEGIN @ THE SW/C OF SEC 10, RUN N 81 DEG 30'34"E ALONG S LINE OF SAID SEC 10 A DIST OF 545.86FT; THENCE DEPARTING SAID LINE RUN N 52 DEG 51'43"W 217.70FT; THENCE RUN N 38 DEG 08'24"E 377.39FT; THENCE RUN N 72 DEG 09'31"W 90.75FT, THENCE RUN N 63 DEG 20'26"W 245.00FT; THENCE RUN N 67 DEG 51'46"W 300.00FT; THENCE RUN N 57 DEG 42'57"W 151.58FT TO THE W LINE OF SEC 10; THENCE RUN S 07 DEG 35'14"E ALONG SAID W LINE 848.02FT TO THE POB *SUBJECT TO A 40FT EASEMENT FOR EGRESS & INGRESS & UTILITY PURPOSES* OR 1894-435 OR 2103-427 &-428 &-429 OR 2537-1192
(8) SW1/4 OF SW1/4 N OF PUBLIC RD LEADING FROM GARRETT MILL TO LAFAYETTE BRIDGE + W 135 FT OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OR 1492-153 OR 1724-398 OR 2387-1070 OR 2387-1072 OR 2399-1941 OR 2423-620 LESS: STONE CREEK S/D (23150) PB 18 PG 40
Section 15
(10) COM NW COR SEC, S 37 DEG 30 MIN E 426.65 FT, N 64 DEG 56 MIN E 130 FT, N 42 DEG 33 MIN W 369.1 FT, N 86 DEG 40 MIN W 124.75 FT TO BEG OR 60 P 1557 OR 2686-3788
(11) COM 124FT E OF NW/C OF NW1/4 OF NW1/4 RUN E 216FT, SELY 264FT TO COUNTY RD, SWLY 130FT RUN NWLY 372FT TO THE POB IN SEC 15-1S-19W OR 1273-104 OR 1784-384 OR 2239-152 OR 2744-3354
COM 350.12FT N OF SE/C OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SEC 10; N 88 DEG 23'04"W 331.82FT TO POB; S 07 DEG 50'07"W 146.60FT S 01 DEG 29'13"E 204.52FT, N 88 DEG 23'04"W 180.19FT, N 00 DEG 45'11"E 352.09FT, S 87 DEG 45'08"E 190.32FT TO POB OR 2528-448 OR 2611-4621 *LESS COM 350.12 FT N OF SE/COR OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4,N 88DEG 23'04"W 331.82 FT TO POB,S 07 DEG 50'07"W 112.91 FT,N 88 DEG 23'04"W 176.35 FT,N 00 DEG 45' 11"E 114.36 FT,S 87 DEG 45'08" E 190.32 FT TO POB. OR 2644- 3875
Deed bk 40 pg 388 1895 Monroe to McLean - land s of branch in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of 15 for 28 acres
Deed bk 40 pg 389 1914 McLean to 1st Nat. Bank – Same as above
Deed bk 41 pg 543 1895 Monroe to McLean - land s of branch in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of 15 for 28 acres witnesses are Morris and McCaskill
Deed bk 48 pg 24 1916 1st Nat. Bank to McCaskill –same as above
Deed bk 58 pg 433 1917 McCaskill to Hatcher – the nw ¼ of nw ¼ south of the branch for 28 acres
Deed bk 58 pg 463 1921 Hatcher to Hatcher – beg at ne c of nw ¼ of nw ¼, run w 8 chns to POB then n 8 chns on 2 deg w then w 146 yds (438), or to branch on 2 deg s , then s down run of branch to c of 40 then e 12 chains on 2 deg n or to POB for 9 acres
Deed bk 61 pg 25 1923 Hatcher to Morris – all of the nw ¼ of nw ¼ south of branch that runs thru same, except a lot of 9 acres described as beg at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run w 8 chns to POB then n 8 chns on 2 deg w, then w 147 yds or to branch on 2 deg s then s down branch to c of 40, then e 12 chns on 2 deg n to POB, leaving 19 acres
Deed bk 62 pg 320 1923 Stanley to McLean - sw ¼ of sw ¼ of sec 10 s of road for 7 acres and nw ¼ of nw ¼ north of branch for 12 acres
Deed bk 78 pg 59 1935 Hatcher to Brown – beg at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run w 8 chs to POB run n 8 chns on 2 deg w, then w 146 (438’) or to branch on 2 deg s then s down branch to c of 40, then e 12 chains (792’) on 2 deg n or to POB for 9 acres EXCEPT beg at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run w 8 chns, then n 5 chns on 2 deg w to POB then n 3 chns on 2 deg w then w on 3 deg s 146 yds or to run of branch then s 60 yds or down run of branch, then e to POB for 2 acres. South line to be changed if not correct, so as to make 2 acres. Land conveyed is for 7 acres.
Deed bk 78 pg 172 1935 Cauley to Hatcher – beg at sw c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run n on land line 261 yds (783’) to s side of hwy #10, line running e down line 125 yds (375’) to run of branch 2 261 yds down run of branch to land line, w on line 39 yds (117’) to POB, all being s of hwy 10 and w and n of branch
Deed bk 82 pg 160 1938 McCaskill to McCaskill – all of that portion lying north of State Hwy 10 of the following described property: all of the nw ¼ of the nw ¼ of Sec 15, south of branch that run through same, except and reserving therefrom a lot of 9 acres more or less described as follows: Begin at the SE corner of the nw ¼ of nw ¼ and run w 8 chains (548’) to POB, then n 8 chains (548’) on 2 deg w, then w 146 yards (438’) or to the branch on 2 deg s, then s down the run of branch to corner of 40, then e 12 chains (792’) on 2 deg n to the POB
Deed bk 81 pg 101 1941 Hatcher to Kelly – beg at sw c of nw ¼ of nw ¼, run n on land line 261 yds to s side of hwy 10, run e down line 125 yds to run of branch, s 261 yds down run of branch to land line, w on line 39 yds to POB, all s of hwy 10 and w and n of branch
Deed bk 82 pg 161 1938 McCaskill to Blakkestad – begin at the point where the northern boundary line of the ROW of state highway 10 intersects the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from the ne ¼ of nw ¼ of sec 15 in sec 15, and run thence wstly along said ROW line a distance of 450’ then n on 2 deg w to branch, thence easterly along the run of said branch to the point where branch is intersected by the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from the ne 1.4 or nw ¼ thereof, thence s on 2 deg e to POB, being 10 acres
Deed bk 83 pg 372 Blakkestad to Sellers – same as above
Deed bk 85 pg 488 1941 Sellers to McCaskill – same as above
Deed bk 85 pg 489 1941 Blakkestad to McCaskill –same as above
Deed bk 88 pg 163 1943 McCaskill to Stille - begin at point where N. boundary line of ROW of St. rd. 10 intersects the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec. 15, run wstly along ROW 450’ then n on 2 deg w to branch then estly along run of branch to a point where branch intersects by line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ thereof, then s on 2 deg e to POB for 10 acres in nw ¼ of nw ¼
Deed bk 88 pg 344 1943 McCaskill to Stille – same as bk 88 pg 163
Deed bk 102 pg 85 1946 Articles of Agreement Stille to Gillis – begin at point where N. boundary line of ROW of St. rd. 10 intersects the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec. 15, run wstly along ROW 450’ then n on 2 deg w to branch then estly along run of branch to a point where branch intersects by line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ thereof, then s on 2 deg e to POB for 10 acres in nw ¼ of nw ¼
Deed bk 111 pg 593 1948 QCD Gillis to Stille – same as bk 102 pg 85
Deed bk 111 pg 590 1948 Still to Laird - begin at point where N. boundary line of ROW of St. rd. 10 intersects the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec. 15, run wstly along ROW 450’ then n on 2 deg w to branch then estly along run of branch to a point where branch intersects by line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ thereof, then s on 2 deg e to POB for 10 acres in nw ¼ of nw ¼
Deed bk 120- pg 105 1951 Cauley to Davis - QCD SW¼ of SW¼, south of the road in section 10, about 7 ac and all the part of NW ¼ of NW ¼ north of the branch in sec 15, containing 12 ac
Deed bk 135 pg 136 1955 Davis to Hurst – 7 acres in 10
Deed bk 135 pg 377 1951 Davis to Caswell – commence nw c sec 15, run 1 deg along sec. line 446.2’ to st. rd. 20, then s 63 ½ e 52.6’ to POB, then sely along st rd 360.7’ to branch, then n 46 deg so min e along branch 185.9’, then n 63 ½ deg w 260’ to 33’ graded rd, then swly along graded rd. 187’ to POB in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of nw ¼ sec 15 for 1 acre
Deed bk 136 pg 398 1955 Davis to Melvin – 2.62 Acres in 15
Deed bk 144 pg 25 1956 Davis to Hurst
Deed bk 144 pg 272 1956 Caswell to Caswell - beg at run of branch at se c run w along Hwy 20 180’ ne 170’ se 160’ s along branch 135’ back to POB in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of nw ¼ of 15 for ½ acre
Deed bk 150 pg 17 1957 (1921) Hatcher to Hatcher – beg at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run w 8 chns to POB then n 8 chns on 2 deg w then w 146 yds or to branch on 2 deg s then s down run of branch to c of 40 then e 12 chns on 2 deg n or to POB for 9 acres. Claims to be original certified to bk 58 pg 463, but is different and filed in 1957
Deed bk 151 pg 439 1957 QCD from Adkinson to Still – commence at sw c of ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec 15, run n along the w line of ne ¼ of nw ¼ 480’ for POB, run e 198’ to driveway the sely along w line of driveway to a point on w boundary line of ROW of 83, 224’ e of a point 380’n of sw c of ne ¼ of nw ¼ then nely along w line ROW of St. rd 83 236’, then nwly 238’ 6” to a point on the w line of the ne ¼ of the nw ¼ 166’ n of the POB then s along the w line 166’ to POB together w all equipment used in the café and filling station. St rd 83 was formerly referred to as St. rd 40
Deed bk 152 pg 249 1957 Davis to Caswell – commence at the nw c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ of sec 15, and run e on section 124’ for POB, then run e on sec. line 216’ then run sely 264’ to county rd, then run in a swly direction on n side of said rd 130’, then run in a nwly direction 372’ to the n sec line and POB, also being 124’e of nw c of sec 15 for 1 ¼ acres
Deed bk 165 pg 304 1957 Davis to Caswell – commence nw c sec 15, run s 1 deg along sec. line 446.2’ to st. rd. 20, then s 63 ½ deg e along st. rd. 52.6’, then n 65 deg 15 min e along e side of graded rd. 167’ to POB, then s 63 ½ deg e 500’ to branch, then nely along branch 89’ then n 24 deg 59 min w along Melvin land 214’ to Axel monument at graded rd, then s 65 deg 15 min w along road 289’ to POB in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of nw ¼ sec 15 for 1 acre
Deed bk 168 – 391 1960 Davis to Caswell - begin at nw c of sec 15, run se 426’ to graded rd. then along graded rd 130’ to Walker Caswell corner, then along W. Caswell line nw 373’ to sec. line, then along sec line 124’ to POB for 1 1/5 acres
Deed bk 175 pg 493 1961 Davis to
Deed bk 177 pg 213 1960 Davis to Caswell – Begin at the nw c of sec 15, then s 37 deg 30 min e 424.65, then n 64 deg 56 min e 130’, then n 42 deg 33 min w 369.1’ to the sec line of said sec 15 then n 86 deg 40 min w 124.75’ to POB for 1 1/5 acre. This deed is given for the purpose of clarifying the description in bk 168 pg 391
Deed bk 216 pg 419 1967 Caswell to Caswell – commence at the nw c of sec 15, then s 1 deg w along the sec line 446.2’ to the n ROW line of St Rd 20, then s 63 deg 30 min e along said ROW 52.6’, then n 65 deg 15 min e along the e side of a graded rd 307’ to POB, then s 32 deg 57 min 54 sec e236.39’ to a branch, then n 54 deg 11 min 02 sec e 104.03’ to the Melvin land, then n 24 deg 59 min w along said Melvin land 134’ then s 65 deg 15 min w 55 feet, then n 24 deg 59 min w 80’ to the ROW of said graded rd, then s 65 deg 15 min w along said ROW 80’ to the POB
Deed bk 225 pg 238 1969 Caswell to Caswell – Begin at the nw c of sec 15, then s 37 deg 30 min e 424.65, then n 64 deg 56 min e 130’, then n 42 deg 33 min w 369.1’ to the sec line of said sec 15 then n 86 deg 40 min w 124.75’ to POB for 1 1/5 acre. Ref bk 177 pg 213
OR bk 17 pg 483 1971 Hurst uses southern SW corner location (sec. 10) to start
OR bk 18 pg 458 1972 Same as above
OR bk 55 pg 316 1974 Same as above
Deed bk 45 pg 343 1914 Monroe to Hatcher - ne ¼ of nw ¼ or n ½ of lot 3 sec 15 except 2 ac to H. Morris, 2 ac in ne c as Oman place, 4 ac to W.E. Jones and 6 ac to Rowden bk 40 pg 29, entire land hereby conveyed being 24 ac
Deed bk 178 pg 77 1961Wesley to Caswell details on sw c of ne ¼ of nw ¼ of sec 15
OR bk 102 pg 370 1976 Melvin to Lett – start at sw c of ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec 15 run n along section line 1080’ to POB then e 333 ½’ to ROW line of St. rd 40 then w 516 1/2’ to section line then s 240’ to POB
Deed bk 67 pg 381 1910 McLean to Monroe – the nw ¼ of the ne ¼ less 9 acres in the nw c of described land for 31 acres
Deed bk 2 pg 574 1877 Crawford, etc. to Methodist Church – commence 191 yards (573’) west of ne c and 74 yds(222’) s of the north line running s 70 yds, w 70 yds, n 70 yds then to the POB of the sw ¼ of the nw 1/5 of 15 for 1 acre.
Deed bk 87 pg 475 1944 Foster Garrett to Harold Caswell – Commence at ne c of sw ¼ of nw ¼, run then w on quarter section line 50’ then s 210’ then e 50’ to ¼ sec line, then n to ne c of sw ¼ of nw ¼
OR book 87 pg 23 &24 1975 Silcox to Burlison - ne c of 15 s86 deg 45 min w 660’ to POB s 86 deg 45min w 373.97’ s 4 deg 46 min w 24.24’ s 86 deg 45 min w 57/80’ s to ROW of rd s 3 deg 15 min e 106.41’ along e ROW line n 86 deg 45 min e 585.15’ n 3 deg 15 min’ w 330.41’ to POB for 3.64 ac
OR book 88 pg 70 1975 Burlison to Freeport Loan - ne c of 15 s86 deg 45 min w 660’ to POB s 86 deg 45min w 373.97’ s 4 deg 46 min w 24.24’ s 86 deg 45 min w 57/80’ s to ROW of rd s 3 deg 15 min e 106.41’ along e ROW line n 86 deg 45 min e 585.15’ n 3 deg 15 min’ w 330.41’ to POB for 3.64 ac
OR bk 642 pg 333 Nick to Nick and Jones- a track of land beginning at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ sec 15, thence running w along s line of said 40 a distance of 294’ for POB, then run w along south line of said 40 a distance of 234’ then run n to s line of state rd 10 (now 20) a distance of 393’, then run in a sely direction along south line of st rd 20 a distance of 264’, then run s a distance of 269’ to POB
OR bk 2809 pg 3566 2009 Jones to CNCW Investment Part. Ltd. – same as OR 2809 pg 3564
Back - Mojo Report
10 - Need to finish research
This section corner has been identified at two different locations, with @ 310’-313’ distance between the 2 corners. The current common corner that is used to identify the NW corner of section 15, would appear to be the north corner of the 310’ call listed on (A) and the 3 acres once identified in the SW ¼ of SW ¼ of sec 10 currently appear to be identified in the NW ¼ of NW1/4 of 15. The measurements of (A) seem to follow similar measurements of current deeds in NWC of sec. 15. Parts of the land identified in (B) is also currently identified by deeds as being in sec. 15. To make the visual simple, the focus here is on the comparison of deeds and measurements in the immediate area of the common corner, and not the multitude of problems that have been found with the ¼ of ¼ sections in Sec. 15 to the east.
Current deeds in Sec. 10 (1-8) are all using the same SW corner location. An angle of n 81 deg 30’34”E is given from the corner @ 341’ for POB or start point for referencing other POB locations on all 5 deeds.
Current deeds in Sec. 15 (9-11) are all using the same NW corner location, which is identified as @ 446’ north of Hwy. 20. This location is close to 310’ further north than the SW corner of Sec. 10 location on the previous deeds mentioned. This is shown when you compare the measurements on the common boundary between (1) and (11), which is 263.08’ & 264’. The angle projected from the SW corner of Sec. 10 (supported by 1-8) brings you up to the north line location of section 15 according to (9-11) Almost all of the deeds mentioned in both sections were sold by the same landowner (8) is the exception, but has been included since it uses the same SW corner location.
There is another interesting difference occurring when you compare the deed measurements on (7) against the measurements shown for the Stone Creek subdivision that is identified on (8) as filed in Plat bk 18 pg 40, and surveyed by Emerald Coast Ass. The measurement on the west line of 10 mentioned in (7) is 848’ and the same line measurement on the ECA survey is 913.95’ It is also unclear whether ECA found existing monumentation for the section corner or placed monumentation, because I was unable to find the reference symbol shown as the corner in the survey legend. There is no mention of any of the adjoining property owners boundaries,(which would point ECA to the SW corner of 10) and there are no signs of existing monumentation being used (which are in place when you read the adjoining property owners current deeds). In fact, it seems that monuments were placed everywhere by ECA.
(A) Deed bk 22 pg 55 1904 Williams to Davis - SW corner of Section 10 310’north, 510’ east illegible (possibly 310’) swly to line, west 395’ About 3 acres
(B) Deed bk 15 pg 453 1903 Monroe to Davis - begin 395’ e of sw c of sec 10 go e to se c of se ¼ to se ¼ in 10 n 695’ w 1953, thence to start point for 36 acres
Section 10
(1) COM SW/C OF SEC 10, N 81 DEG 30'34"E 340.78FT FOR POB, S 44 DEG 36'14"E 263.08FT, N 69 DEG 47'28"E 91.12FT, N 19 DEG 59'43"W 197.16FT, S 81 DEG 31'34"W TO POB OR 643-208 OR 2643-1509
(2) THAT PART OF SW4 OF SEC 10, & NW4 OF SEC 15 AS FOLLOWS: COM @ SW/C OF SEC 10, N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'29" E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05'44"E 84.68FT TO POB; FROM POB N 07 DEG 25'16"W 197.05FT, N 42 DEG 55'22"W 217.59FT, N 48 DEG 03'58"E 377.32FT, S 72 DEG 08'32"E 136.43FT, S 09 DEG 11'48"W 479.10FT, S 66 DEG 05'44"W 221.42FT TO POB *LESS & EXCEPT: PART OF SW4 OF SEC 10 & NW4 OF SEC 15 AS FOLLOWS:COM @ SW/C; N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'29"E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05'44" E 84.68FT, N 07 DEG 25'16"W 197.05FT, N 42 DEG 55'22"W 117.59FT FOR POB; N 42 DEG 55'22"W 100FT, N 48 DEG 03'58"E 377.32FT, S 72 DEG 08'32"E 100FT, S 48 DEG 03'58" W 408FT M OR L TO POB OR 1859-373 OR 2511-1300 OR2768-2020
(3) COM SW/C SEC 10, RUN S 81 DEG 16'58"E 340.82 FT, S 44 DEG 53'08"E 263 FT TO N R/W OF PAVED CO RD, N 65 DEG 12'11"E 311.87 FT TO POB, N 66 DEG 05' 44"E 157.20 FT, N 16 DEG 59' 09"W 235.86 FT, S 73 DEG 11' 44"W 121.15 FT, S 09 DEG 11' 48"E 257.55 FT TO POB OR 805-196 OR 2792-3115
(4) PART OF SW4 OF SEC 10 & NW1/4 OF SEC 15 AS FOLLOWS: COM SW/C OF SEC 10 N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'29"E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05'44"E 84.68FT, N 07 DEG 25'16"W 197.05FT, N 42 DEG 55'22"W 117.59FT FOR A POB CONT N 42 DEG 55'22"W 100FT, N 48 DEG 03'58"E 377.32FT, S 72 DEG 08'32"E 100FT, S 48 DEG 03'58"W 408FT M OR L TO POB OR 1859-375 OR 2622-2611 OR 2628-667 OR 2643-2792 OR 2664-3794
(5) COM AT SW/C SEC 10 RUN N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'39"E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05' 44"E 306.10FT TO POB, CONT N 66 DEG 05'44"E 493.90FT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LYING ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID SECS 10 & 15 THENCE CONT N 81 DEG 30'34"E 126.60FT, N 71 DEG 35'24"W 91.91FT, N 75 DEG 56'37"W 200FT, N 63 DEG 26'22"W 200FT, N 59 DEG 39'17"W 175FT, N 72 DEG 08'32"W 47FT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LYING S OF THE PUBLIC RD LEADING FROM GARRETT'S MILL TO LAFAYTTE'S BRIDGE AS NOW EXISTS, S 09 DEG 11'48"E 479.10FT TO POB *LESS: COM AT THE SW/C SEC 10 RUN S 81 DEG 16'58"E 340.82FT, S 44 DEG 53'08"E 263FT TO N ROW OF A PAVED CO RD, N 65 DEG 12'11"E 311.87FT TO POB, N 66 DEG 05'44"E 157.20FT, N 16 DEG 59'09"W 235.86FT, S 73 DEG 11'44"W 121.15FT, S 09 DEG 11'48"E 257.55FT TO POB OR 790-243
(6) COM AT SW/C SEC 10 RUN N 81 DEG 30'34"E 341FT, S 44 DEG 32'39"E 263FT, N 66 DEG 05' 44"E 306.10FT TO POB, CONT N 66 DEG 05'44"E 493.90FT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LYING ON THE LINE BETWEEN SAID SECS 10 & 15 THENCE CONT N 81 DEG 30'34"E 126.60FT, N 71 DEG 35'24"W 91.91FT, N 75 DEG 56'37"W 200FT, N 63 DEG 26'22"W 200FT, N 59 DEG 39'17"W 175FT, N 72 DEG 08'32"W 47FT TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT LYING S OF THE PUBLIC RD LEADING FROM GARRETT'S MILL TO LAFAYTTE'S BRIDGE AS NOW EXISTS, S 09 DEG 11'48"E 479.10FT TO POB *LESS: COM AT THE SW/C SEC 10 RUN S 81 DEG 16'58"E 340.82FT, S 44 DEG 53'08"E 263FT TO N ROW OF A PAVED CO RD, N 65 DEG 12'11"E 311.87FT TO POB, N 66 DEG 05'44"E 157.20FT, N 16 DEG 59'09"W 235.86FT, S 73 DEG 11'44"W 121.15FT, S 09 DEG 11'48"E 257.55FT TO POB OR 790-243
(7) BEGIN @ THE SW/C OF SEC 10, RUN N 81 DEG 30'34"E ALONG S LINE OF SAID SEC 10 A DIST OF 545.86FT; THENCE DEPARTING SAID LINE RUN N 52 DEG 51'43"W 217.70FT; THENCE RUN N 38 DEG 08'24"E 377.39FT; THENCE RUN N 72 DEG 09'31"W 90.75FT, THENCE RUN N 63 DEG 20'26"W 245.00FT; THENCE RUN N 67 DEG 51'46"W 300.00FT; THENCE RUN N 57 DEG 42'57"W 151.58FT TO THE W LINE OF SEC 10; THENCE RUN S 07 DEG 35'14"E ALONG SAID W LINE 848.02FT TO THE POB *SUBJECT TO A 40FT EASEMENT FOR EGRESS & INGRESS & UTILITY PURPOSES* OR 1894-435 OR 2103-427 &-428 &-429 OR 2537-1192
(8) SW1/4 OF SW1/4 N OF PUBLIC RD LEADING FROM GARRETT MILL TO LAFAYETTE BRIDGE + W 135 FT OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OR 1492-153 OR 1724-398 OR 2387-1070 OR 2387-1072 OR 2399-1941 OR 2423-620 LESS: STONE CREEK S/D (23150) PB 18 PG 40
Section 15
(10) COM NW COR SEC, S 37 DEG 30 MIN E 426.65 FT, N 64 DEG 56 MIN E 130 FT, N 42 DEG 33 MIN W 369.1 FT, N 86 DEG 40 MIN W 124.75 FT TO BEG OR 60 P 1557 OR 2686-3788
(11) COM 124FT E OF NW/C OF NW1/4 OF NW1/4 RUN E 216FT, SELY 264FT TO COUNTY RD, SWLY 130FT RUN NWLY 372FT TO THE POB IN SEC 15-1S-19W OR 1273-104 OR 1784-384 OR 2239-152 OR 2744-3354
COM 350.12FT N OF SE/C OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4 OF SEC 10; N 88 DEG 23'04"W 331.82FT TO POB; S 07 DEG 50'07"W 146.60FT S 01 DEG 29'13"E 204.52FT, N 88 DEG 23'04"W 180.19FT, N 00 DEG 45'11"E 352.09FT, S 87 DEG 45'08"E 190.32FT TO POB OR 2528-448 OR 2611-4621 *LESS COM 350.12 FT N OF SE/COR OF W1/2 OF SE1/4 OF SW1/4,N 88DEG 23'04"W 331.82 FT TO POB,S 07 DEG 50'07"W 112.91 FT,N 88 DEG 23'04"W 176.35 FT,N 00 DEG 45' 11"E 114.36 FT,S 87 DEG 45'08" E 190.32 FT TO POB. OR 2644- 3875
Deed bk 40 pg 388 1895 Monroe to McLean - land s of branch in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of 15 for 28 acres
Deed bk 40 pg 389 1914 McLean to 1st Nat. Bank – Same as above
Deed bk 41 pg 543 1895 Monroe to McLean - land s of branch in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of 15 for 28 acres witnesses are Morris and McCaskill
Deed bk 48 pg 24 1916 1st Nat. Bank to McCaskill –same as above
Deed bk 58 pg 433 1917 McCaskill to Hatcher – the nw ¼ of nw ¼ south of the branch for 28 acres
Deed bk 58 pg 463 1921 Hatcher to Hatcher – beg at ne c of nw ¼ of nw ¼, run w 8 chns to POB then n 8 chns on 2 deg w then w 146 yds (438), or to branch on 2 deg s , then s down run of branch to c of 40 then e 12 chains on 2 deg n or to POB for 9 acres
Deed bk 61 pg 25 1923 Hatcher to Morris – all of the nw ¼ of nw ¼ south of branch that runs thru same, except a lot of 9 acres described as beg at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run w 8 chns to POB then n 8 chns on 2 deg w, then w 147 yds or to branch on 2 deg s then s down branch to c of 40, then e 12 chns on 2 deg n to POB, leaving 19 acres
Deed bk 62 pg 320 1923 Stanley to McLean - sw ¼ of sw ¼ of sec 10 s of road for 7 acres and nw ¼ of nw ¼ north of branch for 12 acres
Deed bk 78 pg 59 1935 Hatcher to Brown – beg at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run w 8 chs to POB run n 8 chns on 2 deg w, then w 146 (438’) or to branch on 2 deg s then s down branch to c of 40, then e 12 chains (792’) on 2 deg n or to POB for 9 acres EXCEPT beg at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run w 8 chns, then n 5 chns on 2 deg w to POB then n 3 chns on 2 deg w then w on 3 deg s 146 yds or to run of branch then s 60 yds or down run of branch, then e to POB for 2 acres. South line to be changed if not correct, so as to make 2 acres. Land conveyed is for 7 acres.
Deed bk 78 pg 172 1935 Cauley to Hatcher – beg at sw c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run n on land line 261 yds (783’) to s side of hwy #10, line running e down line 125 yds (375’) to run of branch 2 261 yds down run of branch to land line, w on line 39 yds (117’) to POB, all being s of hwy 10 and w and n of branch
Deed bk 82 pg 160 1938 McCaskill to McCaskill – all of that portion lying north of State Hwy 10 of the following described property: all of the nw ¼ of the nw ¼ of Sec 15, south of branch that run through same, except and reserving therefrom a lot of 9 acres more or less described as follows: Begin at the SE corner of the nw ¼ of nw ¼ and run w 8 chains (548’) to POB, then n 8 chains (548’) on 2 deg w, then w 146 yards (438’) or to the branch on 2 deg s, then s down the run of branch to corner of 40, then e 12 chains (792’) on 2 deg n to the POB
Deed bk 81 pg 101 1941 Hatcher to Kelly – beg at sw c of nw ¼ of nw ¼, run n on land line 261 yds to s side of hwy 10, run e down line 125 yds to run of branch, s 261 yds down run of branch to land line, w on line 39 yds to POB, all s of hwy 10 and w and n of branch
Deed bk 82 pg 161 1938 McCaskill to Blakkestad – begin at the point where the northern boundary line of the ROW of state highway 10 intersects the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from the ne ¼ of nw ¼ of sec 15 in sec 15, and run thence wstly along said ROW line a distance of 450’ then n on 2 deg w to branch, thence easterly along the run of said branch to the point where branch is intersected by the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from the ne 1.4 or nw ¼ thereof, thence s on 2 deg e to POB, being 10 acres
Deed bk 83 pg 372 Blakkestad to Sellers – same as above
Deed bk 85 pg 488 1941 Sellers to McCaskill – same as above
Deed bk 85 pg 489 1941 Blakkestad to McCaskill –same as above
Deed bk 88 pg 163 1943 McCaskill to Stille - begin at point where N. boundary line of ROW of St. rd. 10 intersects the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec. 15, run wstly along ROW 450’ then n on 2 deg w to branch then estly along run of branch to a point where branch intersects by line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ thereof, then s on 2 deg e to POB for 10 acres in nw ¼ of nw ¼
Deed bk 88 pg 344 1943 McCaskill to Stille – same as bk 88 pg 163
Deed bk 102 pg 85 1946 Articles of Agreement Stille to Gillis – begin at point where N. boundary line of ROW of St. rd. 10 intersects the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec. 15, run wstly along ROW 450’ then n on 2 deg w to branch then estly along run of branch to a point where branch intersects by line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ thereof, then s on 2 deg e to POB for 10 acres in nw ¼ of nw ¼
Deed bk 111 pg 593 1948 QCD Gillis to Stille – same as bk 102 pg 85
Deed bk 111 pg 590 1948 Still to Laird - begin at point where N. boundary line of ROW of St. rd. 10 intersects the line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec. 15, run wstly along ROW 450’ then n on 2 deg w to branch then estly along run of branch to a point where branch intersects by line dividing the nw ¼ of nw ¼ from ne ¼ of nw ¼ thereof, then s on 2 deg e to POB for 10 acres in nw ¼ of nw ¼
Deed bk 120- pg 105 1951 Cauley to Davis - QCD SW¼ of SW¼, south of the road in section 10, about 7 ac and all the part of NW ¼ of NW ¼ north of the branch in sec 15, containing 12 ac
Deed bk 135 pg 136 1955 Davis to Hurst – 7 acres in 10
Deed bk 135 pg 377 1951 Davis to Caswell – commence nw c sec 15, run 1 deg along sec. line 446.2’ to st. rd. 20, then s 63 ½ e 52.6’ to POB, then sely along st rd 360.7’ to branch, then n 46 deg so min e along branch 185.9’, then n 63 ½ deg w 260’ to 33’ graded rd, then swly along graded rd. 187’ to POB in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of nw ¼ sec 15 for 1 acre
Deed bk 136 pg 398 1955 Davis to Melvin – 2.62 Acres in 15
Deed bk 144 pg 25 1956 Davis to Hurst
Deed bk 144 pg 272 1956 Caswell to Caswell - beg at run of branch at se c run w along Hwy 20 180’ ne 170’ se 160’ s along branch 135’ back to POB in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of nw ¼ of 15 for ½ acre
Deed bk 150 pg 17 1957 (1921) Hatcher to Hatcher – beg at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ run w 8 chns to POB then n 8 chns on 2 deg w then w 146 yds or to branch on 2 deg s then s down run of branch to c of 40 then e 12 chns on 2 deg n or to POB for 9 acres. Claims to be original certified to bk 58 pg 463, but is different and filed in 1957
Deed bk 151 pg 439 1957 QCD from Adkinson to Still – commence at sw c of ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec 15, run n along the w line of ne ¼ of nw ¼ 480’ for POB, run e 198’ to driveway the sely along w line of driveway to a point on w boundary line of ROW of 83, 224’ e of a point 380’n of sw c of ne ¼ of nw ¼ then nely along w line ROW of St. rd 83 236’, then nwly 238’ 6” to a point on the w line of the ne ¼ of the nw ¼ 166’ n of the POB then s along the w line 166’ to POB together w all equipment used in the café and filling station. St rd 83 was formerly referred to as St. rd 40
Deed bk 152 pg 249 1957 Davis to Caswell – commence at the nw c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ of sec 15, and run e on section 124’ for POB, then run e on sec. line 216’ then run sely 264’ to county rd, then run in a swly direction on n side of said rd 130’, then run in a nwly direction 372’ to the n sec line and POB, also being 124’e of nw c of sec 15 for 1 ¼ acres
Deed bk 165 pg 304 1957 Davis to Caswell – commence nw c sec 15, run s 1 deg along sec. line 446.2’ to st. rd. 20, then s 63 ½ deg e along st. rd. 52.6’, then n 65 deg 15 min e along e side of graded rd. 167’ to POB, then s 63 ½ deg e 500’ to branch, then nely along branch 89’ then n 24 deg 59 min w along Melvin land 214’ to Axel monument at graded rd, then s 65 deg 15 min w along road 289’ to POB in nw ¼ of nw ¼ of nw ¼ sec 15 for 1 acre
Deed bk 168 – 391 1960 Davis to Caswell - begin at nw c of sec 15, run se 426’ to graded rd. then along graded rd 130’ to Walker Caswell corner, then along W. Caswell line nw 373’ to sec. line, then along sec line 124’ to POB for 1 1/5 acres
Deed bk 175 pg 493 1961 Davis to
Deed bk 177 pg 213 1960 Davis to Caswell – Begin at the nw c of sec 15, then s 37 deg 30 min e 424.65, then n 64 deg 56 min e 130’, then n 42 deg 33 min w 369.1’ to the sec line of said sec 15 then n 86 deg 40 min w 124.75’ to POB for 1 1/5 acre. This deed is given for the purpose of clarifying the description in bk 168 pg 391
Deed bk 216 pg 419 1967 Caswell to Caswell – commence at the nw c of sec 15, then s 1 deg w along the sec line 446.2’ to the n ROW line of St Rd 20, then s 63 deg 30 min e along said ROW 52.6’, then n 65 deg 15 min e along the e side of a graded rd 307’ to POB, then s 32 deg 57 min 54 sec e236.39’ to a branch, then n 54 deg 11 min 02 sec e 104.03’ to the Melvin land, then n 24 deg 59 min w along said Melvin land 134’ then s 65 deg 15 min w 55 feet, then n 24 deg 59 min w 80’ to the ROW of said graded rd, then s 65 deg 15 min w along said ROW 80’ to the POB
Deed bk 225 pg 238 1969 Caswell to Caswell – Begin at the nw c of sec 15, then s 37 deg 30 min e 424.65, then n 64 deg 56 min e 130’, then n 42 deg 33 min w 369.1’ to the sec line of said sec 15 then n 86 deg 40 min w 124.75’ to POB for 1 1/5 acre. Ref bk 177 pg 213
OR bk 17 pg 483 1971 Hurst uses southern SW corner location (sec. 10) to start
OR bk 18 pg 458 1972 Same as above
OR bk 55 pg 316 1974 Same as above
Deed bk 45 pg 343 1914 Monroe to Hatcher - ne ¼ of nw ¼ or n ½ of lot 3 sec 15 except 2 ac to H. Morris, 2 ac in ne c as Oman place, 4 ac to W.E. Jones and 6 ac to Rowden bk 40 pg 29, entire land hereby conveyed being 24 ac
Deed bk 178 pg 77 1961Wesley to Caswell details on sw c of ne ¼ of nw ¼ of sec 15
OR bk 102 pg 370 1976 Melvin to Lett – start at sw c of ne ¼ of nw ¼ in sec 15 run n along section line 1080’ to POB then e 333 ½’ to ROW line of St. rd 40 then w 516 1/2’ to section line then s 240’ to POB
Deed bk 67 pg 381 1910 McLean to Monroe – the nw ¼ of the ne ¼ less 9 acres in the nw c of described land for 31 acres
Deed bk 2 pg 574 1877 Crawford, etc. to Methodist Church – commence 191 yards (573’) west of ne c and 74 yds(222’) s of the north line running s 70 yds, w 70 yds, n 70 yds then to the POB of the sw ¼ of the nw 1/5 of 15 for 1 acre.
Deed bk 87 pg 475 1944 Foster Garrett to Harold Caswell – Commence at ne c of sw ¼ of nw ¼, run then w on quarter section line 50’ then s 210’ then e 50’ to ¼ sec line, then n to ne c of sw ¼ of nw ¼
OR book 87 pg 23 &24 1975 Silcox to Burlison - ne c of 15 s86 deg 45 min w 660’ to POB s 86 deg 45min w 373.97’ s 4 deg 46 min w 24.24’ s 86 deg 45 min w 57/80’ s to ROW of rd s 3 deg 15 min e 106.41’ along e ROW line n 86 deg 45 min e 585.15’ n 3 deg 15 min’ w 330.41’ to POB for 3.64 ac
OR book 88 pg 70 1975 Burlison to Freeport Loan - ne c of 15 s86 deg 45 min w 660’ to POB s 86 deg 45min w 373.97’ s 4 deg 46 min w 24.24’ s 86 deg 45 min w 57/80’ s to ROW of rd s 3 deg 15 min e 106.41’ along e ROW line n 86 deg 45 min e 585.15’ n 3 deg 15 min’ w 330.41’ to POB for 3.64 ac
OR bk 642 pg 333 Nick to Nick and Jones- a track of land beginning at se c of nw ¼ of nw ¼ sec 15, thence running w along s line of said 40 a distance of 294’ for POB, then run w along south line of said 40 a distance of 234’ then run n to s line of state rd 10 (now 20) a distance of 393’, then run in a sely direction along south line of st rd 20 a distance of 264’, then run s a distance of 269’ to POB
OR bk 2809 pg 3566 2009 Jones to CNCW Investment Part. Ltd. – same as OR 2809 pg 3564
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